Qui sommes-nous ?

The Metropolis Kino is located in the heart of Hamburg's city centre. In addition to film screenings, three to four daily screenings are offered, as well as silent film concerts, readings, music performances, film talks, film-historical introductions and lecture series, and panels on various topics. As a municipal cinema, the Metropolis presents feature films, documentaries, animated and experimental films ranging from cinematographic rarities to classics of film history and extensive retrospectives of individuals to current European and international productions. 

Due to our comprehensive technical equipment with all analogue projectors (35mm, 16mm and Super8) as well as various playback facilities for digital formats, we are able to present historical films in their original screening format. The Metropolis Kino is supported by Kinemathek Hamburg e.V.. The aim of the non-profit association is to create and promote a comprehensive understanding of film and audiovisual media, to impart knowledge of film history as well as to support practical media work and to be a meeting place for cinematic and socio-political discussion.